Monday, January 13, 2025


from Tina Ngozi Okonjo

  • When parents and guidance spend more time on cell phone/ Social Media and give less attention to the children and happenings around the home.
  • When more time is given to our career/ pursuit and little to what goes on at home.
  • When we give less attention to hear what that child is saying /what our spouses are saying.
  • When parents have the habit of lying to each other and to their children.
  • When it becomes an accepted habit to always fight and exchange dirty words before others and our children.
  • When negative life style and Constant usage of abusive language becomes part of the norm at home.
  • When adult engage in smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism, occultism , rape and it likes within the reach of the younger generation.   

Notable Damaging Effect Of Smart Phone  

  1. Difficult to withdrawal from it usage
  2. Back Damage
  3. Nave  damage
  4. Anxiety and  depression
  5. Stress
  6. prevent weight management and fitness
  7. Disrupts sleep
  8. Source of bacteria due to lack of constant cleaning since it can be place anywhere  anytime.
  9. Could course damage to the retina of the eyes
  10. Negative Effect of radiation

Your Health

Eating healthy will keep you in good shape.

Healthiest Fruit

  1. Graphed fruit – help to reduce stones and aid in weight loss.
  2. Pineapple – Rich in vitamin C and manganese, its bromelain, May fight inflammation and reduce the risk of cancer.
  3. Avocado – Eating this promotes good heart health, contains healthy fats and potassium.
  4. Apples- very nutritious, also contains antioxidants and fibers which may reduce the risk of disease and improve digestion.
  5. Mango – Contain Vitamin C and Soluble fiber with good plant compounds having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. Lemons – Rich in Vitamin C and other Plants compounds which promotes heart health, boost weight loss and prevents kidney stones.
  7. Water melon – High in water, Rich in Vitamin A, C and some important antioxidant known for their anti-cancers effect.
  8. Olives – this provides variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, may also reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and Osteoporosis.
  9. Orange – Contains Important Vitamins, Mineral and antioxidants. May reduces the risk of kidney stones and anemia.
  10. Bananas –rich in Vitamins and Mineral. It pectin contain can improve blood sugar control and digestive health.
  11.      Papaya – High in Vitamins C, A , Potassium and Folate . Consuming it constantly may reduce the effect of cancer and improve digestion.
  12. Guava – High in vitamins, Minerals, fiber and antioxidants, it may reduce inflammation and help prevent certain cancers.

Politics, (A Worthwhile Venture)

Politics refer to a set of activities associated with governance of a country, or an area. It involves making decision that apply to members of a group. It refers to achieving and excising positions of governance – organized control over a human community, particularly a state.

One major role of politicians is to deal with national issues and drive the country in full gear to achieve positively. Good Politic  should  aim at improving  the economic, financial and military strength of the country. people is politics should strictly aim at economic development of all sections of the society it is their duty to work  toward freeing  the country of corruption, nepotism and bringing communal harmony.

It is so sad that lot of people see politics as a dirty game, there is nothing dirty about politic but rather when persons concern  play dirty while politicking. When Violence, killing, introducing of diabolic acts now becomes the order of the day b y participant in the game of Politics, then it can be term dirty.

We desire for a nation with leaders/politicians who has the minds of the people they are governing at heat men and woman of vision with great and positive driving force to achieve in other to make things better. When people run from participating in politic because it is dirty, it becomes difficult to have people with the right frame of mind in politics.

  1. There is a need to get rid of everything that makes politic dirty so we as a nation will see and walk into the desired change we long anticipate.
  2. Politician must stop and frown at acts of
  3. Killing and assassination of fellow citizens.
  4. Abstain from fetish practices
  5. Lies and deceits
  6. Character Assassination
  7. Ballot box snatching
  8. Thuggery.

Except the above is put check and the wish of the populace allowed to count, then it will be said that nation is practicing real politics



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