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SGF Mandates Compliance with National Accessibility Regulations, Paving the Way for Greater Inclusivity

In a landmark move towards ensuring inclusivity and equal access for persons with disabilities, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), H.E. Senator George Akume, CON, has issued a service-wide circular mandating all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) to comply with the National Accessibility Regulations. This directive, announced on May 22, 2024, by the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), marks a significant advancement in the Federal Government’s commitment to promoting the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities across Nigeria.

The SGF’s circular is a major step forward in creating a more inclusive society. It mandates all MDAs to implement necessary measures to enhance accessibility, ensuring that persons with disabilities can access public services, facilities, and opportunities without encountering barriers. This initiative highlights the Federal Government’s dedication to fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can thrive.

Dr. James David Lalu, Executive Secretary of the NCPWD, expressed his optimism about the directive. “This circular is a testament to our government’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity. It is a call to action for all MDAs to prioritize accessibility and ensure that no one is left behind,” he said. The NCPWD is urging all MDAs to fully comply with the SGF’s directive and work collaboratively to create an inclusive environment for persons with disabilities.

The circular outlines specific measures that MDAs must adopt to enhance accessibility. These include making physical infrastructure such as buildings, walkways, and transportation facilities accessible, as well as ensuring that information and communication technologies are usable by all individuals, including those with disabilities. The aim is to dismantle physical and systemic barriers that hinder the full participation of persons with disabilities in societal activities.

“This directive is a critical step towards achieving a barrier-free society,” Dr. Lalu noted. “By making our public services and facilities accessible, we are not only complying with the law but also recognizing the inherent dignity and potential of every individual.” He emphasized that the successful implementation of these regulations would require the cooperation and commitment of all stakeholders, including development partners, advocacy groups, and the general public.

The NCPWD is calling on all MDAs to begin immediate compliance with the SGF’s directive. The Commission plans to monitor the progress and provide support to ensure effective implementation. Dr. Lalu highlighted the importance of collective efforts in achieving the goal of inclusivity. “We encourage all MDAs to embrace this directive wholeheartedly and work together to make our society more inclusive. It is only through our combined efforts that we can create an environment where persons with disabilities can realize their full potential,” he stated.

The circular has also been welcomed by advocacy groups and development partners who have long championed the cause of accessibility and inclusivity. Many see this directive as a pivotal moment in the fight for disability rights in Nigeria. A representative from a leading disability rights organization praised the SGF’s action, stating, “This is a significant victory for the disability community. We have been advocating for such measures for years, and it is heartening to see the government taking concrete steps to address our concerns.”

To ensure widespread awareness and implementation of the National Accessibility Regulations, the NCPWD plans to launch an extensive awareness campaign. This campaign will involve engaging with various stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations, and the media, to disseminate information about the regulations and the importance of compliance.

Saleh Faruq Gagarawa, Head of New Media at the NCPWD, reiterated the need for continued support from all quarters. “We must all work together to ensure that these regulations are not just on paper but are actively implemented. Our collective effort will make a significant difference in the lives of persons with disabilities,” he said.

As Nigeria moves forward with this inclusive agenda, the directive from the SGF serves as a crucial reminder of the government’s role in safeguarding the rights and dignity of all its citizens. The implementation of the National Accessibility Regulations is expected to bring about transformative changes, making public services and facilities more accessible and inclusive for persons with disabilities across the country.



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