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Presidential Aide Launches Palliative Distribution for Persons with Disabilities in North Central Zone

In a significant move to alleviate the hardships faced by Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Hon. Mohammed Abba Isa, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Special Needs and Equal Opportunities, initiated the distribution of palliatives in the North Central geopolitical zone on Thursday. The event, held in Karu, Nasarawa State, underscores the commitment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration to support the nation’s most vulnerable populations.

Speaking at the launch, Hon. Isa highlighted that the programme aligns with President Tinubu’s ‘Renewed Hope’ agenda. This initiative is not a one-off event but part of a broader strategy to ensure comprehensive support for PWDs across Nigeria. “The distribution will be carried out in all six geopolitical zones,” Isa stated, emphasizing the inclusive nature of the project. He noted that the North East zone would receive the largest share of the palliatives due to its significant population of PWDs.

The palliative distribution includes essential food items and other necessities aimed at cushioning the effects of economic hardship on PWDs. However, Hon. Isa revealed that the support extends beyond immediate relief. “We are also initiating a programme to empower PWDs through talent and skill development,” he announced. This dual approach not only addresses immediate needs but also aims to provide long-term solutions by enhancing the skills and talents of PWDs, thereby fostering self-reliance and economic independence.

Explaining the meticulous planning behind the programme, Hon. Isa stressed the collaborative efforts involved in identifying beneficiaries. “We are liaising with local government officials, traditional institutions, religious institutions, civil society, and all other security agencies and organisations of PWDs who are responsible for identifying the beneficiaries,” he explained. This comprehensive network ensures that the aid reaches those who need it most, reinforcing the programme’s efficiency and effectiveness.

The launch in Karu witnessed a significant turnout, with PWDs from various parts of the North Central zone expressing gratitude for the government’s support. The palliatives distributed included rice, beans, maize, cooking oil, and other essential items, all aimed at providing immediate relief to struggling households.

President Tinubu’s administration has shown a consistent focus on inclusivity and support for PWDs. This initiative is part of a broader policy framework designed to ensure that PWDs are not left behind in Nigeria’s development agenda. By providing both immediate palliative support and long-term empowerment opportunities, the administration aims to create a more equitable society where all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities, can thrive.

Hon. Isa’s role as the Senior Special Assistant on Special Needs and Equal Opportunities is pivotal in driving these initiatives. His proactive approach and commitment to inclusivity are evident in the thoughtful planning and execution of the palliative distribution programme. The collaboration with local and traditional authorities ensures a grassroots-level impact, making the initiative more effective and far-reaching.

As the programme expands to other geopolitical zones, the lessons learned from the North Central zone will be invaluable. The focus on the North East zone, given its high number of PWDs, indicates a data-driven approach to resource allocation, ensuring that the areas with the greatest need receive adequate support.

In conclusion, the launch of the palliative distribution programme for PWDs in the North Central zone marks a significant step in the Tinubu administration’s efforts to support vulnerable populations. With a clear strategy that combines immediate relief with long-term empowerment, Hon. Mohammed Abba Isa and his team are setting a benchmark for inclusive governance. This initiative not only addresses the pressing needs of PWDs but also paves the way for a more inclusive and equitable Nigeria.



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