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HomeUncategorizedHon. Lawal Idris Leadership Ethics Discriminates PWDs

Hon. Lawal Idris Leadership Ethics Discriminates PWDs


By Comr. Ahmed Barnabas

A member representing Ajaokuta Federal Constituency, Hon. Lawal Idrisu has in all time discriminating we the persons with disabilities in his Constituency (Ajaokuta Local Government ) of Kogi State.

I am publishing this short article not to indict anyone but to put the general public on the know that Alh. Lawal Idris totally sidelined PWD in his dealings at the Constituency, and I am using this medium to tender a plea & call for the public opinion in modification of this unethical treatments. My/Our aim is not to demean a character but to cry and seek redress.

Alh. Lawal in his previous and recent empowerment program sidelined PWD who contributed massively for his Victory.

Statically, Persons with disabilities in Ajaokuta LGA has 14.9% total votes at the local government.

Ajaokuta local government comprises of 14 wards and each ward have one representatives of PWD in APC ward Executive and members Local government Excos as well, this was birthed from APC-led Government recent policy of inclusiveness.

It is very unequivocal that the law maker has 100% votes from PWD at his primary election & the subsequent General election(1st&2nd tenure). The question here is, How many of disable person has benefited from his Government as he had Represent our Constituency for barely 5years now. How many has He (Hon. Lawal) Empowered or EMPLOYED?? Why are we treated like secondhand citizen in our own land?

The Federal Government of Nigeria signed “the disability right Act 2018 (Prohibition)” which states that 5% slot for both Empowerments and Employments should be given to people with disabilities.

Alh. Lawal Idris was among/Present in the house while this bill signed into law. But it is so unfortunate that those who make law in Nigeria don’t abide by it, we seek redress.

The law-maker has giant Ceramic Company in his Constituency, how many PWD has he employed? We can do the office work, we are educated and we can use computers too. Thus we deserve consideration in all spheres!

As an indigenous person, an advocator for PWD at Local Government and member at National level, I will not silent while we are being treat unfairly.

I challenge him to fear God as this conditions we found ourselves was not our wishes and has as a matter of urgency to retrace his steps of leadership by holding special programs for PWD. If their is anybody that need Jobs and Empowerment first is we PWD (Person With Disabilities).

I seize this opportunity to call on the leadership in the Local and State to come to the aid of we Challenges Person, we are your brothers and Sister in the Local Government and hence discrimination is unfair, ungodly, unethical above evil.

We seek redress and i hope our Able Representative will see to this and reform his templates for empowerments. We deserve Preferential and juicy dividends, we are humans & our ability is greater than the obvious disability.



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