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NCPWD Reaffirms FG’s Commitment to Turning Assistive Technology into a Major Economic Driver

In a pivotal announcement today, May 23, 2024, Dr. James David Lalu, Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), reaffirmed the Federal Government’s dedication to transforming the production of assistive technology into a significant foreign exchange earner for Nigeria. Speaking from Abuja during a meeting with the management team of Nasarawa State University (NSUK), led by their new Vice Chancellor, Professor Sa’adatu Hassan Liman, Dr. Lalu highlighted the vast potential within this sector.

Dr. Lalu expressed enthusiasm about the ongoing partnership between NCPWD and NSUK, noting that Professor Liman has continued the collaborative efforts initiated by her predecessor. He commended the Vice Chancellor for her proactive approach, which he believes will leave a lasting impact on the university. “The VC has started on a very positive note, which is capable of leaving endearing footprints on the institution’s sands of time,” he remarked.

One of the key initiatives discussed was the integration of disability studies into university curricula, specifically within engineering programs. “The Commission is working closely with several universities in Nigeria to offer Disability Studies where engineering students can be awarded a degree in Disability Engineering and Accessibility Studies,” Dr. Lalu disclosed. This initiative aims to foster expertise in creating accessible and assistive technologies, driving innovation and inclusivity in higher education.

Dr. Lalu also revealed plans to reopen Disability Skill Centres across the country and to promote accessible structural designs in architecture. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to harness the economic potential of assistive technology and to showcase Nigeria’s skilled workforce on a global stage. “The ultimate target is the reopening of the Disability Skill Centres across the country as well as effective accessible structural designs in architecture,” he explained.

The Executive Secretary emphasized the critical role of universities in leading this industrial revolution. “It is high time universities in Nigeria began to chart new innovations that will drive the industrial revolution for Nigeria in terms of the production of assistive devices that are individual need-based, devoid of foreign influence,” he asserted. He called on NSUK’s leadership to rise to this challenge, highlighting the potential for creating pathways out of poverty for persons with disabilities.

To ensure the effectiveness of these initiatives, Dr. Lalu mentioned that professionals, including physiotherapists, would be engaged to conduct health need assessments prior to the manufacturing of assistive devices. This approach aims to tailor products to individual needs, enhancing their functionality and impact.

Dr. Lalu also underscored the importance of disability inclusion in achieving sustainable development. He highlighted Goal 11 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which focuses on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. “Disability inclusion is a factor necessary for the infrastructural development of society that will accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities,” he noted.

In his remarks, Dr. Lalu took the opportunity to thank President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his unwavering support for the disability community in Nigeria. “Mr. President’s Renewed Hope Agenda is indeed a testament to his love and passion for the community of persons with disabilities,” he stated, appreciating the administration’s commitment to improving the lives of disabled Nigerians.

Professor Sa’adatu Hassan Liman, in her opening remarks, expressed her gratitude to Dr. Lalu and the Commission for their support. She reaffirmed NSUK’s dedication to enhancing its Special Needs Department, aiming to make a significant impact on the lives of persons with disabilities. “I am so grateful to the Executive Secretary and the Commission for assisting our institution to realize its dreams of impacting the lives of persons with disabilities through the Special Needs Centre,” she said.

Professor Liman emphasized that the visit was aimed at strengthening the existing partnership between NSUK and NCPWD to foster better cooperation in the future. This collaboration is poised to drive significant advancements in the field of assistive technology, benefiting countless individuals across the nation.

Mbanefo JohnMichaels Ikechukwu
Head, Press and Public Relations Unit, NCPWD
23rd May, 2024



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