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HomeNEWSNCPWD Investigates Rano Air Over Alleged Discrimination Against Passenger With Disability

NCPWD Investigates Rano Air Over Alleged Discrimination Against Passenger With Disability

In a bold and unprecedented move, the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) has launched an exhaustive investigation into Rano Air following allegations of discrimination against Alhaji Usman Bura Gabai, the esteemed State Chairman of the Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities. The incident in question occurred at the bustling Maiduguri International Airport in Borno State, where Mr. Gabai was reportedly denied boarding due to his use of a wheelchair.

The gravity of the situation prompted swift action from the NCPWD, reflecting the Commission’s commitment to upholding the rights and dignity of individuals with disabilities. Representatives from Rano Air, led by the airline’s legal counsel, Sulaiman Abdulraheem Esq., were summoned to appear before the Commission’s investigative panel. The questioning session, which lasted over five rigorous hours, was a crucial step in uncovering the facts surrounding this alleged discriminatory act.

As the investigation unfolded, it became apparent that the issue at hand was not isolated. The NCPWD’s inquiry revealed several discriminatory practices embedded within Rano Air’s operational policies. These findings have sparked a broader conversation about the treatment of persons with disabilities in the aviation industry and beyond.

Dr. James David Lalu, PhD, NPOM, the Executive Secretary of NCPWD, has been a vocal advocate for disability rights, emphasizing the Commission’s dedication to enforcing relevant laws and ensuring accountability. “The rights and dignity of persons with disabilities are non-negotiable,” Dr. Lalu stated. “We will explore all legal avenues to ensure that discrimination in any form is eradicated.”

The incident has drawn significant public attention, with many expressing outrage over the treatment of Mr. Gabai. Social media platforms have been abuzz with calls for justice and for stronger enforcement of disability rights. This outcry highlights the broader societal issue of accessibility and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of physical ability.

In response to the findings, the NCPWD has mandated Rano Air to undertake immediate policy reforms. The airline is required to present these revised policies during their next scheduled appearance before the Commission for further scrutiny. This step is seen as essential to prevent future occurrences and to ensure that Rano Air and other airlines comply fully with disability rights regulations.

The unfolding drama has also prompted other airlines and service providers to reevaluate their policies and practices. The aviation industry, in particular, is under intense scrutiny, with advocates urging for systemic changes that guarantee accessibility and fairness for all passengers.

The NCPWD’s decisive action serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and advocacy in the fight against discrimination. The Commission’s efforts are not just about addressing a single incident but are part of a broader mission to foster a more inclusive and equitable society.

As the investigation continues, the public eagerly awaits further developments. The case of Alhaji Usman Bura Gabai has become a symbol of the ongoing struggle for disability rights in Nigeria, highlighting both the challenges faced and the relentless efforts to overcome them.

The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities remains steadfast in its mission. The message from Dr. Lalu and his team is clear: discrimination in any form will not be tolerated, and those responsible will be held accountable. This incident is a wake-up call to all sectors to prioritize inclusivity and respect for all individuals, setting a precedent for future actions and policies.



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