by Chris Agbo
Mama’s Legacy in partnership with Drugs Free World Africa(DFWA) carried out her Legacy feeding in different communities in Africa.
This is part of Mama’s Legacy and DFWA campaign of Food is better than drugs.
The event is characterized with sharing of well packaged cooked food to the poorest of the poor in the communities.
The group believed that good food is healthy than drugs and they want to encourage preparing and eating of good food as the best way to stay healthy in Africa.
The different locations where food is better than drugs Project of Mama’s Legacy in partnership with Drugs Free World Africa took place were Akwa Ibom Uyo, Elekahia women market Port Harcourt where they visibly entered the market, traced the poor and feed them.
The group have taken their projects beyond Nigeria to other Africa countries as they packed food reached several homes in Liberia and also spotted in Cameroon celebrating food for no child starvation.