Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeUncategorizedLockdown: DRAC reaches out to over 100 PWDs in Bwari Area council

Lockdown: DRAC reaches out to over 100 PWDs in Bwari Area council

By Chris Agbo, Abuja

Disability Right Advocacy Center (DRAC) embarked on distribution of relief materials in Bwari Area council to persons with disabilities to cushion the effect of the lockdown occasioned by Coronavirus pandemic.

The DRAC team embarked on a house to house distribution of the relief bag tagged Miyausa Bag to indigent persons with disabilities and rehabilitation centres. Other beneficiaries are children with disabilities.

The bag contained foods items like vegetable oil, yams, cartoon of noodles, bag of rice, tomatoes, sanitary item etc. The team also gave hand sanitizers to the beneficiaries and fliers and stickers for COVID-19 enlightenment.

Over 100 households received relief materials from DRAC team and they were gender and cluster sensitive in their selection of the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries in a chat with us appreciated the Exexutive Director, DRAC, Dr. Irene Ojiugo Patrick-Ogbogu and the.entire DRAC team.



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