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HomeNEWSKogi State Lauds Sightsavers Nigeria for Transformative Eye Care Programme

Kogi State Lauds Sightsavers Nigeria for Transformative Eye Care Programme

Abuja, Nigeria — The Kogi State Government has expressed profound gratitude to Sightsavers Nigeria for the remarkable success of its comprehensive eye care programme in the state. Launched in 2005 and fully implemented in 2020, the programme has significantly improved eye care services for residents, delivering vital interventions and establishing a lasting healthcare legacy.

During the Kogi State Eye Care Programme Close-out Ceremony in Abuja, Dr. Abdulazeez Adams Adeiza, the Commissioner of Health for Kogi State, commended Sightsavers International for its unwavering dedication and substantial contributions. He highlighted the key achievements of the programme, which include the training of medical professionals in ophthalmology, the establishment of comprehensive eye care centers in Ankpa and Kabba, and the distribution of free eyeglasses to over 3,000 individuals. Additionally, the programme screened and treated thousands of people for various eye conditions, significantly reducing the prevalence of preventable blindness in the region.

“The collaboration between Sightsavers Nigeria and our state has been instrumental in elevating the standard of eye care services available to our people,” Dr. Adeiza remarked. “We are particularly grateful for the comprehensive training provided to our doctors, which has not only enhanced their skills but also ensured the sustainability of quality eye care in Kogi State. The establishment of eye care centers in Ankpa and Kabba has made it easier for our residents to access specialized services, reducing the need to travel long distances for treatment.”

The ceremony, organized by Sightsavers Nigeria, brought together stakeholders from the healthcare sector, government officials, and representatives from various partnering organizations. It served as a platform to reflect on the journey and achievements of the eye care programme while charting a course for its future.

Dr. Adeiza assured attendees of the Kogi State Government’s commitment to sustaining the gains made through the programme. He outlined several measures that the state would take, including the timely release of funds dedicated to blindness prevention and the retention and maintenance of the Hilux van donated for logistical support. He emphasized that these steps are crucial for ensuring that the state’s residents continue to benefit from high-quality eye care services.

“We are not resting on our laurels,” Dr. Adeiza asserted. “The state government is committed to implementing the finalized sustainability plan, which includes seeking a new partner to continue the programme. We will also fast-track the actualization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Federal Ministry of Health (FTH) and the Ministry of Health (MOH). Our goal is to ensure that the people of Kogi State have uninterrupted access to eye care services.”

He praised the collective efforts of the Kogi State Ministry of Health, the Kogi State Primary Health Care Development Board, and other partners who worked tirelessly to bring the vision of the eye care programme to fruition. He also highlighted the role of community involvement and awareness campaigns in promoting eye health and encouraging residents to seek timely medical intervention.

The impact of the programme extends beyond the immediate beneficiaries. By training local doctors and establishing infrastructure, the programme has built a foundation for long-term improvements in the state’s healthcare system. This initiative has not only addressed the immediate eye care needs of the population but also laid the groundwork for future advancements in medical services.

Sightsavers Nigeria, a leading international organization dedicated to preventing avoidable blindness and promoting the rights of people with disabilities, has been at the forefront of this transformation. Their partnership with the Kogi State Government exemplifies the power of collaboration in achieving sustainable development goals, particularly in the healthcare sector.

As the ceremony concluded, the atmosphere was one of hope and optimism. The success of the eye care programme serves as a testament to what can be achieved when government bodies, international organizations, and local communities work together towards a common goal. The Kogi State Government’s commitment to maintaining and expanding these services is a promising sign for the future of healthcare in the region.

The eye care programme’s achievements will undoubtedly inspire similar initiatives across Nigeria, highlighting the importance of accessible and quality healthcare for all. The legacy of this programme will be felt for years to come, as it continues to impact the lives of those in Kogi State and beyond.



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