Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeUncategorizedCCD Builds the Capacity of PWDs on the Use of FOI Act...

CCD Builds the Capacity of PWDs on the Use of FOI Act and National Disability Act in Kano state

As part of its effort to strengthen the capacity of persons with disabilities to ensure transparency and demand accountability at all levels of governance, the Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) under #Upright4Nigeria Campaign organized a three-day capacity building program to equip persons with disabilities with the right skills and knowledge necessary to demand accountability and ensure transparency at all levels of governance in Nigeria.

The Executive Director, Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), Mr. David O. Anyaele in his opening speech while thanking the participants for honoring the invitation highlighted the importance of the training, charged PWDs to take advantage of the program to learn new approach for an all-inclusive approach to fighting corruption. He called on participants to step down the skill and knowledge acquired at the training to their various associations and organizations, as they were carefully selected because of their capacity and leadership positions.
The program is supported by Actionaid Nigeria through UKaid funded project on the Strengthening Citizens Resistance against the Prevalence of corruption (SCRAP-C), aimed to contribute to a reduction in corruption as a result of changing public attitude that will increasingly disapprove of corrupt activities.
Participants at the training were drawn from the National Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities (NAPWPD), National Association of the Deaf, National Association of the Blind, Spinal Cord Injuries Association of Nigeria, Persons Affected by Leprosy Kano State Chapters, Disability chiefs from all clusters and Media organizations.



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