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Calls Mount for Governor Soludo to Prioritize Welfare Scheme for Elderly Citizens with Disabilities

Governor Chukwuma Soludo of Anambra State is being urged to take decisive action in launching a welfare scheme aimed at supporting elderly citizens with disabilities. This call was passionately voiced during a recent workshop organized by the Anambra State Disability Rights Commission (ASDRC) in Awka. The workshop, which focused on improving legal awareness and access to justice for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), saw participants emphasize the urgent need for targeted solutions to address the specific challenges faced by aging individuals with disabilities.

As discussions unfolded, it became evident that many senior citizens with disabilities in the state are grappling with numerous hardships, ranging from inadequate healthcare to a lack of mobility support and limited access to assistive technology. Participants at the workshop expressed deep concern over the vulnerability of these elderly citizens, noting that their plight requires immediate attention from both the government and the wider community.

Workshop Highlights Critical Needs of Elderly Citizens with Disabilities

The workshop, which brought together stakeholders from various sectors, including disability advocates, legal experts, and caregivers, centered on how a robust welfare program could enhance the well-being and overall quality of life for elderly individuals with disabilities. Attendees identified key areas where such a welfare scheme could make a transformative impact, including:

  • Healthcare: Access to affordable, high-quality healthcare was seen as a priority, especially for seniors with disabilities who often face higher medical expenses due to their condition.
  • Mobility Support: Participants called for increased availability of mobility aids such as wheelchairs, scooters, and walking frames to help these individuals maintain their independence and mobility.
  • Assistive Technology: Providing access to technology that assists with daily activities, such as hearing aids or devices that help with communication and physical tasks, was also considered vital.
  • Caregiver Services: Many elderly citizens with disabilities rely on caregivers for day-to-day support. Expanding access to trained caregivers, particularly for those without family members to assist them, was a major concern.
  • Housing: Safe and accessible housing was highlighted as a critical need, with many elderly individuals living in homes that are not equipped to accommodate their disabilities.

Beyond these areas, financial aid for medical bills, specialized equipment, and personal care personnel were also seen as essential components of any future welfare program. Attendees stressed that a well-designed scheme would not only ease the financial burden on these citizens but also significantly improve their quality of life.

A Legal Mandate, Not Just a Suggestion

Speaking on behalf of the ASDRC, its Chairman, Barrister Chuks Ezewuzie, underscored the importance of implementing a welfare scheme for elderly citizens with disabilities. He pointed out that the call for such a program is not just a social obligation but a legal mandate. Section 23 of Anambra State’s disability rights law explicitly requires social security for citizens with disabilities aged 60 and above, making it clear that this is a responsibility the government must fulfill.

Ezewuzie emphasized that Governor Soludo’s administration has an opportunity to make history by being the government that fully implements this provision of the law. “This is not a mere suggestion or an act of charity. It is a legal requirement that ensures the dignity and well-being of our elderly citizens with disabilities,” he stated.

He further revealed that the commission has already made provisions for senior citizens’ welfare in its proposed 2025 budget. Ezewuzie expressed optimism that the governor would prioritize this matter and give it the attention it deserves. “We are hopeful that Governor Soludo will approve the necessary budget allocations, allowing us to roll out this crucial welfare scheme,” he added.

Governor Soludo’s Administration Faces a Pivotal Moment

The workshop participants argued that launching a comprehensive welfare scheme for elderly citizens with disabilities would be a significant milestone for Governor Soludo’s administration. With the backing of legal mandates and widespread public support, the governor has a unique opportunity to solidify his legacy as a leader who champions the rights and well-being of one of the state’s most vulnerable populations.

For many of those in attendance, the urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. They highlighted that with each passing day, more elderly individuals with disabilities are left without the support they need to lead fulfilling lives. Implementing a welfare scheme would, in their view, send a clear message that Anambra State is committed to inclusivity and the protection of its most marginalized citizens.

Looking Ahead: The Path to Inclusive Welfare

As the ASDRC and other advocacy groups continue to push for the implementation of this welfare program, there is growing anticipation about the next steps Governor Soludo’s administration will take. The workshop ended with a strong sense of optimism, with many participants believing that the governor will rise to the challenge and prioritize the welfare of elderly citizens with disabilities.

For those like Barrister Ezewuzie, the journey toward full inclusion and support for PWDs in Anambra State is far from over, but the foundation has been laid. “We have the laws, we have the framework, and now we need the political will to make it happen,” he concluded.

The proposed welfare scheme represents more than just financial assistance; it symbolizes hope for a future where elderly citizens with disabilities are given the respect, care, and dignity they deserve. The call to Governor Soludo is clear: it is time to act, and the people of Anambra are watching closely.

As the state awaits the governor’s decision, one thing is certain: the conversation around the rights and welfare of elderly citizens with disabilities is only just beginning, and the people of Anambra are ready to see real, tangible change.



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