by Agbo Chris

Strengthening Citizens Resistance against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C): The Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) held Stakeholders’ meetings on corruption and the Nigeria Disability Act simultaneously in two states; Kano and Enugu state on the 6th of August 2019.
The Stakeholders’ meetings on corruption and the Nigeria Disability Act enlightened participants on the negative effects of corruption on persons with disabilities (PWDs) and the society at large. Establishing the fact that there is a direct line connecting Corruption and Poverty to Disability. Corruption as a tool takes all the resources at the disposal of a nation and puts in the hands of few citizens, thereby leaving the larger populace in abject poverty that in the long run leads to increase in the population of persons with disabilities.

CCD through the SCRAP-C programme aims to fight corruption among PWDs and Nigerians at large and as well as highlighting the benefits of implementing the Nigeria Disability Act to all stakeholders involved. The full implementation of the Nigerian Disability Act will protect the rights of PWDs in Nigeria and create more opportunities for all Nigerians