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NAB Kaduna Demands Justice for Zaria Woman With Blindness Allegedly Molested by Former Shariah Judge

September 12, 2024

Kaduna, Nigeria – Outrage as Former Judge Accused of Assaulting blind Woman in Zaria

The Kaduna State chapter of the Nigeria Association of the Blind (NAB) is calling for swift justice after a former Shariah court judge, Khadi Mahmud Shehu, allegedly assaulted a visually impaired woman, Malama Sadiya Muhammad Halliru, in Zaria, Kaduna State. The disturbing incident has sent shockwaves through the community, sparking widespread condemnation from rights groups and advocates for persons with disabilities (PWDs).

In a press conference held on Thursday in Kaduna, the Chairman of NAB Kaduna State, Comrade Ibrahim Abubakar, expressed deep dismay over the incident, describing it as a shocking violation of the rights of a woman who should have been protected, not attacked, by those around her. He emphasized that the alleged perpetrator, a former judge who once upheld the laws of Kaduna State, should have known better than to engage in such an egregious act of violence.

“It is incredibly disheartening to learn that someone who was entrusted with enforcing the law could stoop to violating the very principles he once upheld,” Comrade Ibrahim stated. “Malama Sadiya, a married woman and a visually impaired person, was mercilessly beaten in her own home, where she should have felt safe. Such a barbaric act is unacceptable in any society, and it is made even more grievous when committed by a former Shariah court judge.”

A Community Shocked by Violence

The incident reportedly took place in Gaskiya Layout, Tudun Jukun, Zaria, where both Sadiya Muhammad and the accused, Khadi Mahmud, reside as co-tenants. According to Comrade Ibrahim, despite knowing that Sadiya is visually impaired, Mahmud, along with his family, allegedly stormed her room and physically assaulted her.

Sadiya, a woman with a strong desire to serve her community as a nurse, has suffered not only physically but emotionally, and her dreams are now in jeopardy due to this attack. Comrade Ibrahim reiterated that the NAB and other disability rights groups are committed to ensuring that justice is served for Sadiya and that her rights are upheld.

“The Kaduna State Government has enacted laws specifically designed to protect the rights of persons with disabilities. We will not stand by while those rights are trampled upon. We are pursuing this case to its logical conclusion, and we are calling on the state government to intervene and ensure that justice is delivered swiftly,” Comrade Ibrahim declared.

Condemnation from Women’s Leaders

The attack has drawn the ire of women’s groups across the state, particularly within the PWD community. Malama Amina Usman, the Kaduna State Woman Leader of NAB, expressed her outrage at the incident and questioned whether the former judge truly understood or respected the rights of women and PWDs.

“As a woman and as a person with a disability, this case is deeply personal. We will go to any length to ensure that Sadiya receives justice. The fact that this individual was once a judge makes his actions even more reprehensible. It casts doubt on how he administered justice during his time on the bench,” Amina stated.

She further emphasized that women with disabilities already face numerous challenges in society and that such acts of violence only serve to compound their struggles. “Sadiya is someone with ambition and potential, and she deserves to live in a society where her rights are protected, not violated. We are ready to fight for her and for every other woman who faces similar abuse.”

Calls for Government Action

The NAB is not alone in its quest for justice. The association has garnered the support of other disability rights organizations and is urging the Kaduna State government, led by Governor Senator Malam Uba Sani, to take a firm stand against the assault on Sadiya Muhammad.

“We urge Governor Uba Sani to take a keen interest in this case and to ensure that the suspect, Khadi Mahmud, faces the full consequences of his actions,” Amina Usman added. “This case must serve as a powerful message to others that no one, regardless of their status or position, is above the law.”

The Fight for Justice Continues

As the case moves through the court system in Zaria, Comrade Isaac Kuyet Joseph, Secretary of NAB Kaduna State, reaffirmed the association’s commitment to seeing the matter through. “We are prepared to fight this case in court and to ensure that justice is not only done but is seen to be done. This is a fight for the rights and dignity of all persons with disabilities, and we will not relent.”

He also highlighted the fact that NAB is working closely with its parent body, the Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD), to provide legal and emotional support to Sadiya as she seeks justice.

“Sadiya’s case is not an isolated one, and it reflects the broader challenges that persons with disabilities face in Nigeria. However, we will continue to push for her rights and for the rights of every PWD in the state and across the country,” Joseph said.

A Call for Inclusivity and Respect

The tragic incident in Zaria is yet another reminder of the need for greater awareness and respect for the rights of PWDs. The NAB has called for enhanced public education on the rights and contributions of PWDs, as well as stricter enforcement of laws designed to protect them from discrimination and violence.

In conclusion, the NAB and its allies are calling on all Nigerians to join them in the fight for a more inclusive society where people like Sadiya Muhammad can live without fear of violence or discrimination.

The association also hopes that Sadiya’s case will be a turning point in the fight for the rights of persons with disabilities in Kaduna State and beyond.

Justice Must Prevail

As the legal battle unfolds, the NAB and its supporters are standing firm in their resolve to ensure that Khadi Mahmud Shehu is held accountable for his actions. “We will not rest until justice is served,” Comrade Ibrahim vowed, “because this is not just about Sadiya—it’s about the dignity of all persons with disabilities.”

The fight for justice continues, and the hope is that the outcome of this case will set a precedent for the protection of the rights of PWDs across Nigeria.



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