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IWD 2021: VDI advocates for improved access to opportunity for WWD, as COVID-19 worsens WWDs participation in leadership

By Adamu Aliyu, TQM correspondent, Yola

Voice for Disability Initiative (VDI) on Monday in Yola, Adamawa State called on Nigerian government to address the gaps that hinders women with disabilities to have access to opportunities on an equal basis with their men counterpart.

The Executive Director, VDI, Barrister Catherine Chinyere Edeh while speaking in a press conference organized to mark International Women’s Day which focused on Safeguarding the rights of women with disabilities in Adamawa State, pointed out that COVID-19 pandemic had exacerbated the pre-existing inequalities and systemic barriers to women’s participation in leadership. The emergence of the pandemic also brings new barriers where vulnerable women are facing increased domestic violence, unemployment, unpaid or reduced salaries, poverty and some of them are having a hard time to provide basic needs for their families.

“This year’s theme “Women in Leadership, achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”, the persistent pre-existing social and systematic barriers to women’s participation in leadership and new barriers have emerged with COVID-19 pandemic” she added.

“These problems faced by women because of the pandemic is often not narrowed to shed spotlights into the myriads of problems and practices that COVID-19 brought about to the already distressed and challenged lives of women and girls with disabilities like the social distancing strategy and COVID-19 guidelines which do not consider the specific and unique needs of people with disabilities especially women and children with disabilities who needs aids and assistance from other individuals mobility wise”.

In order to address the above concerns, all quarters must work together towards empowering all women to uphold their rights and fully leverage on their leadership potential in the pandemic response, particularly in integrating their perceptive in the formulation and implementation of related policies and recovery programmes.

International Women’s Day is celebrated on every March 8, commemorating the political, social and economic achievement of women.

VDI is an implementing partner to United Women on the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative on Ending Violence against Women which is committed to give voice to women with disabilities and advance their SRHR. As VDI is in Adamawa State now, they are hopeful that the advocacy will reach 36 states including FCT for the promotion and propagation of the rights of women with disabilities.

The highlight of the event was a display of advocacy placards by VDI team promoting some important messages about the rights of women with disabilities. Messages such as End Sexual and Gender based violence against women with disabilities, Leave no woman with disability behind, Invest in Women with Disability today, An injury to a woman with disability is an injury to all, We are women with Disabilities, We are asset not Liabilities, Empower Women with Disabilities, Educate Her! and so on.

TQM learnt that VDI would be engaging key stakeholders in Adamawa State to promote the rights of women with disabilities and encouraging favourable policies towards their wellbeing as well as exposing the women with disabilities to life opportunities in order to enhance their economic wellbeing.

Some pictures of the event:



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