Thursday, January 9, 2025



The Qualitative Magazine TQM on Thursday 17th of September, 2020 in Jos, Plateau State organized a one Day capacity Building Workshop for the Media, on Disability Rights and the Use of Disability Right Terminologies in media reportage.

It is part of The Qualitative Magazine TQM ongoing project” Connecting our Voices To The World supported by Oxfam VoiceThe workshop was aimed at getting the Media to understand the content of Disability Rights, via the laws and their provisions on rights of persons with disabilities and the punishment accrued in contravention of such Rights. As well as equipping the Media with the appropriate terminologies to be used in referring to different forms of disabilities.

The Executive Director of The Qualitative Magazine, Agbo Chris Obiora in his welcoming remark said that the idea of the media engagement and adequately enhance their capacity is because of the view that the media is a key stakeholder and the major means of educating and creating awareness in the society in general. Speaking further, he said that TQM desires to build champions of disability issues among media practitioners. He said that if the media doesn’t understand the issues, the Disability law would be difficult to be communicated to the public and the public have critical role to play in the implementation of the act. He also said that it is imperative that the media understand the acceptable disability terminology while referring to persons with disabilities because it is what the media dish out to the public that they will believe. Meanwhile such words, persons with disabilities find them offensively because they are derogatory.

Longji Josiah, Esq, a member of Association of Lawyers With Disabilities ( ALDIN) and a resource person at the workshop, an amputee who lost his limbs in an auto crash during his School years, he eloquently discussed the Disability Rights and SDGs, How they related to address issues around the plight of persons with disabilities. He took the participants on the United Nations Convention on Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), the Nigeria Disability Act. He explained that the act was enacted by National Assembly that’s why is a National Act, Plateau State Disability Right Commission (2005) is referred as Law because it is enacted by state Assembly mainly to cater or take care of persons with disabilities in the society.He regretted that even with the existence of these laws (1. Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (prohibition) Act,2018.2. Disability Right Commission Law (2005). And,3. Section 42. (2) 1999Constitution Federal Republic of Nigeria (as Amended, 2011)), many persons with disabilities rights are being violated whereas the laws are aimed to protect them from harmful practices but still a lot PWDs are not even aware of the existence of these laws.

While elaborating on the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act,2018. Barr. Longji said that the Act was signed into Law in January, 2019 by His Excellence President Mohammadu Buhari. The law is made up of 58 sections, section 1 to 30 provide for rights, privileges and responsibilities of persons with disabilities. While sections 31 to 39 provides for the establishment of the National Disability Rights Commission, Section 40 provide for the appointment of the Executive Secretary for the Commission, finally sections 57 and 58 is the interpretation and citation of the Act. He then States that, this law (Act) is to provide for the full integration of persons with Disabilities into the Society, established the national commission for persons with Disabilities, and the Commission is vested with the responsibilities for their education, health care, social, economic and civil rights and other related matters.
The various sections of the law touched on important aspects the lives of the persons with Disabilities, such as PART. 1 PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION AND AWARENESS PROGRAMME.
Subsection 1. Person with Disability shall not be discriminated in any form. Subsection 2. Provide punishment for contravention of subsection 1.

Section 2. Provide as, The Federal Ministry of Information shall promote awareness of rights, respect and dignity of persons with Disabilities, capabilities, achievement and contribution of persons with Disabilities to the Society. section. 3. Provide for right to access the physical environment on equal basis with others. Section 4. Provide public Shall be constructed with accessibility aids for accessible for persons with Disabilities.

Barr. Longji thinks this section 4 will face some challenges in terms of implementation. Most especially, with public building in Nigeria which are not friendly to persons with Disabilities. The Act made provision to correct these abnormalities in the section 4. With a transitory period of 5 years which started January, 2019.
PART V. LIBERTY, RIGHT TO EDUCATION, HEALTH AND FIRST CONSIDERATION ON QUEUES, ACCOMMODATION AND EMERGENCIES. Section 16. Prohibits the use or involvement of persons with Disabilities in begging. With a punishment of fine of #100,000.00 or six months imprisonment or both. Section 17. provide that puersons with Disabilities shall have an unfettered right to education without discrimination or segregation to Secondary school level. Section 28. Of the Act provide for employment of persons with Disability on equal basis with others in the labour market.

With at least 5% allocation to persons with Disabilities.With the above, Barr. Longji called on the media to be the Judge in this matter. Does Persons with Disabilities constituted at least 5% of the employment in the following organizations? Bank of Industry, CBN, NNPC, FIRS, PENCOM, NCC etc.
In his conclusion, Barr. Longji, said as good as these rights and laws are, the media is a major stakeholder in achieving the implementations. The bulk of awareness can be possible through the media. He appealed to the media and other stakeholders to help the persons with Disabilities to achieve this quest.

The second resource person Mr. Joshua Yenle a visual impaired person , a presenter and producer with Radio Nigeria Highland FM Jos.

In his presentation on mainstreaming the Disability issues with the media and the use of terminologies while referring to PWDs. He said that these terminologies are words use by the media to describe the condition of persons with Disabilities which may be degrading to such persons, their family members and as well as friends, if used wrongly.

Yenle said that though there are still controversy about terminologies when referring to a blind and deaf, the issue of visually impaired and hearing impaired which the deaf and blind are divided on which one is generally accessible internationally. He explained further that at times in the issue of the deaf and blind where there is controversy, put in consideration your location to avoid offending anyone. For example, here on the Plateau, particularly in University Of Jos, they prefer being called visually impaired than the blind, in Abuja and the blind association, they preferred the blind.“For a professional media person, the watchword is to see the person as a person before his or her condition, for example person using wheelchair or person using crutches, rather than the Cripple. Instead of Wheelchair bound, use Wheelchair user, instead Crazy, mad man, insane, use a person with mental illness, instead of persons living with Disabilities, use Persons with Disabilities, instead of Albino or Yellow, use a person with albinism, instead of a dwarf, use a little person or short stature and many more which will be sent to you because of time.Yenle described the term Accessibility as not only pertaining to restrictions to physical Structures but it also includes access to information at no extra cost by the blind and the deaf.

The workshop was interactive and engaging, the participants asked a lot questions, they made comments, contributions and commitments to work with PWDs on the Plateau.

Agbo Chris, In his closing remark appreciated the resource persons for their meaningful and good Presentation, while appreciating the media practitioners and their various media houses graced the Workshop, he urged them to ensure that the knowledge acquired is put to use but also step down knowledge and information to their fellow journalists for a better reportage on matters concerning Persons with Disabilities in the society.

He concluded by advising the media practitioners present to mainstreaming Disability issues in all their programs, He explained that Disability issues is cross-cutting so whatever they are discussing be it economy, politics, sports, science, technology, entertainment etc, they should also bring in Disability perceptive to them.

Some pictures of the workshop

Agbo Chris Obiora, ED, TQM




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