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A New Era for Disability Advocacy: NAPWPD Celebrates Ayuba Gufwan’s appointment as Executive Secretary, NCPWD

In a move that signals a profound commitment to enhancing the welfare and rights of persons with disabilities in Nigeria, Ayuba Gufwan has been appointed as the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD). This remarkable achievement underscores his unwavering dedication, extensive expertise, and unrelenting advocacy for the disability community.

Ayuba Gufwan’s journey to this prestigious position is a story of resilience, passion, and an unyielding drive to make a difference. As a prominent figure in the disability rights movement, his appointment has been met with widespread acclaim and optimism from various quarters, including the National Executive Council of the National Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities (NAPWPD), which recently penned a heartfelt letter of congratulations to Gufwan.

The letter, signed by Comrade Bisong Ignatius Omang, the National Secretary of NAPWPD, highlights the significance of Gufwan’s new role and the high expectations placed upon him. “On behalf of the National Executive Council of NAPWPD, we write to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your recent appointment as the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities. This is a remarkable achievement and a testament to your hard work, dedication, and expertise in your field,” the letter reads.

The appointment of Gufwan is not merely a personal milestone; it is a beacon of hope and inspiration for the entire disability community in Nigeria. His extensive qualifications and proven leadership skills make him an ideal candidate to steer the NCPWD towards achieving its mandate of promoting the rights, well-being, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.

The letter from NAPWPD further emphasizes the pride and confidence that the organization has in Gufwan’s capabilities. “Your appointment to such a prestigious position is a reflection of your outstanding qualifications and leadership skills. We have no doubt that you will excel in this role and make significant contributions to our nation and the PWDs community,” Omang stated.

Gufwan’s commitment to public service and his passion for effecting positive change in people’s lives have been lauded as truly commendable. His ability to bring fresh ideas, perspectives, and solutions to the challenges facing the disability community is seen as a vital asset in advancing the cause of disability rights in Nigeria.

The disability community is particularly encouraged by the government’s recognition of Gufwan’s talents and the trust placed in him to serve in this critical role. “We are proud to know that our government has recognized your talents and chosen you to serve and exhibit your wealth of experience in our constituency (disability folks) and country,” the letter continues.

The new Executive Secretary is expected to bring a dynamic and proactive approach to his leadership, fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment. His appointment is a significant step forward in the build-up of President Bola A. Tinubu’s account of stewardship in the next four years, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunities for all citizens.

As Gufwan embarks on this new journey, the NAPWPD and the broader disability community stand firmly behind him, offering their full support and best wishes. “We wish you all the best as you embark on this new journey. We have no doubt that you will make us all proud, and we look forward to witnessing your accomplishments,” Omang concluded.

In conclusion, Ayuba Gufwan’s appointment as the Executive Secretary of the NCPWD is a momentous occasion that marks a new chapter in the fight for disability rights and inclusion in Nigeria. It is a testament to his exemplary dedication and an inspiring reminder of the impact that one individual’s passion and commitment can have on an entire community. As Gufwan takes on this pivotal role, the disability community and the nation at large eagerly anticipate the positive changes and advancements that his leadership will bring.



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