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HomeOTHER NEWSFENRAD Calls for Unbiased Investigation into Palliative Disbursement in Abia State

FENRAD Calls for Unbiased Investigation into Palliative Disbursement in Abia State

Umuahia, Abia State – Amidst mounting allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the distribution of federal palliatives intended to cushion the effects of the subsidy removal, the Foundation for Environmental Rights, Advocacy, and Development (FENRAD) has called for an unbiased committee to investigate the disbursement process in Abia State. This urgent plea was directed to Governor Alex Chioma Otti, urging immediate action to restore public trust and ensure fair distribution of resources.

In a detailed letter to Governor Otti, FENRAD expressed deep concerns over the handling of the palliative distribution, citing shocking allegations made by the former Abia Finance Commissioner, Oriaku. According to Oriaku, the distribution process was riddled with corruption and favoritism, resulting in some individuals receiving multiple benefits while the most vulnerable citizens, including the elderly, widows, and orphans, were excluded.

“These allegations are unacceptable and warrant immediate attention,” stated Comrade Nelson N. Nwafor, Executive Director of FENRAD. “The palliative was intended to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable citizens, but its distribution has been marred by controversy and allegations of mismanagement.”

Oriaku’s claims have further highlighted systemic issues in the distribution process. He alleged that the National Safety Register, which is meant to identify and support the most vulnerable members of society, was not properly utilized, leading to the exclusion of those in dire need. This, according to FENRAD, is a grave injustice that must be urgently addressed.

In response, FENRAD has urged the establishment of an unbiased committee to investigate the disbursement of the Federal Government palliative. This committee, they propose, should be composed of independent and reputable individuals capable of conducting a thorough and transparent investigation. The committee’s mandate would include probing allegations of corruption, favoritism, and exclusion, and making recommendations to ensure fair and transparent distribution of the palliative.

“We urge you to take immediate action to address these concerns and restore the trust of the people in your administration,” Nwafor continued. “The establishment of an unbiased committee is a crucial step towards ensuring accountability and transparency in the disbursement of the Federal Government palliative.”

The urgency of the situation is underscored by the findings of FENRAD’s previous baseline analysis, which revealed that household finances have continued to shrink since the 2020 pandemic. This has been exacerbated by rising inflation and soaring food insecurity following the removal of fuel subsidies. Abia State’s unemployment rate stands at a staggering 56%, with the poverty level at 35%. The economic hardship has driven many Abians to the brink, struggling to cope with the rising cost of essential goods amidst a continuously failing Naira.

“As a pro-poor organization, FENRAD calls on the Governor to review the distribution of the palliative and ensure vulnerable groups, who are bearing the brunt of the economic hardship, are not short-changed,” Nwafor asserted. “We request that you take immediate action to address the concerns raised and ensure that the palliative is distributed fairly and transparently.”

FENRAD also requested that the committee make public the names of those who have received the palliative across the 17 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and the criteria used for their selection. This move, they believe, is essential for transparency and to build public trust in the distribution process.

The allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the palliative distribution process have struck a chord with many in Abia State, amplifying calls for greater accountability and transparency in governance. The response from Governor Otti and the state government will be closely watched, as it represents a critical test of their commitment to justice and the welfare of their citizens.

FENRAD’s call to action emphasizes the importance of accountability and transparency in governance, particularly in times of economic hardship. They urge all stakeholders to join forces in dismantling discriminatory norms and ensuring that essential resources are allocated fairly and transparently to those in need.

As the state awaits Governor Otti’s response, the people of Abia State remain hopeful that their concerns will be addressed promptly and effectively. The establishment of an unbiased committee and a transparent investigation into the palliative disbursement process would not only restore public trust but also serve as a significant step towards ensuring that the rights and needs of the most vulnerable are prioritized.

“We look forward to your prompt response and action on this matter,” Nwafor concluded. “We hope that you will take this request seriously and take immediate action to address the concerns raised, to cushion the effects of the worsening food crisis and inflation in the country by ensuring that the palliative distribution is done transparently and that mechanisms for accountability are put in place to checkmate corruption and favoritism in the system.”

The call from FENRAD resonates with many in Abia State, who are looking for assurance that their government is committed to justice, fairness, and the well-being of all citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. The outcome of this call to action could set a precedent for future governance and the handling of essential resources in Nigeria.



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