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Hon. Joshua Chinedu Obika Celebrates First Year in Office with Focus on Empowering PWDs in FCT

In a heartfelt and inspiring celebration of his first year in office, Hon. Joshua Chinedu Obika, the distinguished representative of the AMAC/Bwari Federal Constituency in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Abuja, dedicated the milestone to advocating for persons with disabilities (PWDs). The event, held at his constituency office in Kubwa, saw a vibrant turnout of PWDs and community members, highlighting the lawmaker’s commitment to inclusivity and empowerment.

In a passionate address, Hon. Obika underscored the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive society for PWDs, emphasizing respect, dignity, and compassion. “It is time that we finally remove the stigma, prejudice, and discrimination towards people with disabilities,” he declared. “Instead, we should treat them with the same love, concern, and compassion that we want to be treated with. One concrete way of showing respect to PWDs is by obeying the various laws that aim to empower them.”

Hon. Obika’s advocacy is not just rhetorical. He announced several concrete initiatives aimed at improving the lives of PWDs within his constituency. Central to these initiatives is the promise of special empowerment programs tailored to meet the unique needs of PWDs. Additionally, he made a groundbreaking commitment by appointing one of the PWDs in FCT as one of his Special Assistants (SAs), marking a significant step towards greater representation and inclusion in governance.

The lawmaker also called upon the FCT Minister, Barr. Ezenwo Nyesom Wike, to facilitate the provision of buses specifically dedicated to PWDs in the FCT. This call to action reflects a growing recognition of the mobility challenges faced by PWDs and the need for targeted transportation solutions to enhance their accessibility and independence.

Further extending his advocacy, Hon. Obika urged the government to re-equip and fully fund the skill acquisition center for PWDs in Bwari Area Council, FCT Abuja. He highlighted the critical role such centers play in providing PWDs with the necessary skills to contribute positively to society and achieve self-reliance. “We all know that there is ability in disability,” he said. “The society they live in should support them and make them feel part of the society. Disability is a thing of the mind; those who have the opportunity to contribute positively to their society and refuse to do so are disabled in mind.”

The event was more than just a celebration; it was a call to action. Hon. Obika’s speech resonated deeply with the audience, many of whom expressed their appreciation for his efforts and dedication. His message was clear: a truly inclusive society is one that empowers all its members, especially those who have historically been marginalized.

The significance of Hon. Obika’s initiatives cannot be overstated. By advocating for the rights and needs of PWDs, he is setting a precedent for other lawmakers and leaders across Nigeria. His efforts to ensure that PWDs are treated with dignity and given equal opportunities reflect a broader commitment to human rights and social justice.

In a society where PWDs often face significant barriers, Hon. Obika’s proactive measures represent a beacon of hope. His focus on legislative compliance and practical support mechanisms aims to create an environment where PWDs can thrive and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

As Hon. Obika continues his tenure, his constituents look forward to the tangible changes these initiatives will bring. The empowerment programs, the appointment of a PWD as a Special Assistant, the dedicated transportation solutions, and the enhanced skill acquisition center all signal a transformative approach to governance.

In conclusion, Hon. Joshua Chinedu Obika’s first year in office has been marked by a profound commitment to inclusivity and empowerment. By championing the rights and needs of PWDs, he is not only improving the lives of individuals within his constituency but also setting a powerful example for inclusive governance nationwide. As he aptly put it, “Treat PWDs with dignity, compassion by complying with laws that empower them.” This principle, if widely adopted, holds the potential to transform society into a more equitable and compassionate place for all.



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